When you adjust licences within the same billing period, we make sure that you don't pay twice for the same licence.
Adding and removing licences
When you remove licences, we schedule the change for your next invoice.
You can then add licences up-to the original number of licences without being charged.
If you add more than the original, you will be charged a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the billing period.
Example: Removing One Licence, Then Adding One Licence
- You have three licences on your account.
- You decrease to two licences.
- You then increase back to three licences before the next invoice has been raised.
- There is no immediate charge.
Example: Removing One Licence, Then Adding Two Licences
- You have three licences on your account.
- You decrease to two licences.
- You then increase to four licences before the next invoice has been raised.
- There is no immediate charge for three licences.
- There is a pro-rated invoice for one licence as it is more than your original amount.