The latest mobile app update for Flow Mobile Surveying includes significant improvements to forms.
Conditional logic shows and hides fields for a better app experience.
This update makes it clear which fields you need to complete during your survey. You'll find the app more intuitive, and need less training when we release new templates. Bonus!
Until now, we've focused on phone experience; since we recommend mobile phones to our clients (they're kinder on your wrists and elbows and more comfortable to carry around). This update has some quality-of-life improvements for tablet users. You thought we'd forgotten you, didn't you?
We're thrilled to release this update; since it makes our app faster and more enjoyable to use. Both are core principles of Flow!
We update the Mobile App every 2-weeks or so.
v1.0.22 includes significant improvements to forms, to improve ease of use:
Your app should update automatically. If not, you can update manually using the instructions below.
This app update makes forms responsive and provides a better user experience. The update improves your experience when using tablet devices too.
Want to see how Flow Mobile Surveying can help you survey faster?